My Order

How do I know my order has been placed successfully?

Our order confirmation emails are automatically generated as soon as we recieve your order. If you do not get one it could be that your email address was incorrect or the order has not yet been completed. If you are unsure then please contact our customer service team.

PHONE: +44 (0)207 627 5166

EMAIL: - we will try to respond to your request within 24 hours during our normal office hours.

How do I use a discount/promotional code?

Once you go to checkout you will see a Gift Card or Discount Box on the payment page. Enter your code here and press Apply. You should be able to see that your discount/gift card amount has been deducted from the total.

Can I amend an order once it’s been placed?

If you need to amend an order after receiving your order confirmation email you will need to contact customer services, by email or telephone. As long as your order has not been packed by the warehouse or dispatched, we will do our very best to make the changes you require.

Is it possible to cancel an order?

If you need to cancel an order please contact us by telephone; if the items have not been packed or posted then we hope to be able to cancel your order.

Can I place an order over the phone?

We love talking to our customers so please feel free to ring us to place your order on +44 (0) 207 627 5166. Our phone lines are open from Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm GMT.

How can I pay for an order?

We currently accept the following payment methods.    

VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, Paypal, Klarna and Shop Pay

I have recieved my order but something is missing?

We are very sorry that your order is incomplete. Please check your order summary to make sure that the missing items are not being dispatched at a later date. It may be the case that the missing item(s) had sold out before we could ship your full order in which case you would have received an email from our customer service team explaining this. If in doubt please get in touch with us by telephone or email .

How do I refer a friend and get my discount?

To join our refer a friend scheme, scroll down to the footer of our page and click 'Refer A Friend'. Once you add in your infomation you will be able to share the 10% discount with a friend through an email or link or simply by them entering in your name on the cart page by clicking 'Been referred by a friend?' then once they have made their purchase, you will be able to redeem your 10% off after receiving an email with a code.